Tuesday, December 27, 2011

B: In Memoriam: Photoblogs 2011

B: In Memoriam: Photoblogs 2011: Let's take a moment now to remember those who fell in 2011. May their short lives be a reminder to other photobloggers. If you're considering snuffing your blog in 2012, just remember that someone cares. Someone is reading you. Choose life instead!

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Leaving to Shop

I walked out the door
I turned right
I could have turned left
Toward the staircase
Down five flights of stairs
Plus one more to the garage
Instead I turned right
Toward the elevator
Pushed the "down" button
Waited a few moments
Doors slid open
I entered and pushed the "G" for garage

So much easier
Not necessarily quicker
But, much easier

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Moving From Los Angeles

Well, packing took four weeks; what to keep, what to store, what to give to GoodWill.......
Twenty three cars full of shelves, books, art supplies, fabric, clothes, pots & pans, various containers, and so much more ended up at the GoodWill store in Santa Clarita California.
Four weeks of NOT making art....
Then a week car trip across the southwest, up into the midwest.
I cried on my last day in California; I mourn the loss of the mountains.
Now in St. Louis I have busied myself for another 4 weeks unpacking and organizing my our new space... trying not to think about California. Beginning to like St. Louis and our new urban lifestyle in a loft near the city center. It seems like everything is within 5 miles!!! In California, everything was 25 miles away!

Still more weeks of NOT making art.

I am now ready to begin....
starting in on my year in St. Louis