Thursday, March 19, 2009

Leaving to Shop

I walked out the door
I turned right
I could have turned left
Toward the staircase
Down five flights of stairs
Plus one more to the garage
Instead I turned right
Toward the elevator
Pushed the "down" button
Waited a few moments
Doors slid open
I entered and pushed the "G" for garage

So much easier
Not necessarily quicker
But, much easier

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Moving From Los Angeles

Well, packing took four weeks; what to keep, what to store, what to give to GoodWill.......
Twenty three cars full of shelves, books, art supplies, fabric, clothes, pots & pans, various containers, and so much more ended up at the GoodWill store in Santa Clarita California.
Four weeks of NOT making art....
Then a week car trip across the southwest, up into the midwest.
I cried on my last day in California; I mourn the loss of the mountains.
Now in St. Louis I have busied myself for another 4 weeks unpacking and organizing my our new space... trying not to think about California. Beginning to like St. Louis and our new urban lifestyle in a loft near the city center. It seems like everything is within 5 miles!!! In California, everything was 25 miles away!

Still more weeks of NOT making art.

I am now ready to begin....
starting in on my year in St. Louis